Monday, June 24, 2013

Got Blooms?

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

With the first day of summer just passed - we all know in Central Florida that means hot days and lots of rain. It also means that our yards are greener than ever and flowers are going full bloom. Some vegetables have peaked, while a lot of fruit will continue to picked over the next month.

What is blooming in your yard and garden? We see a lot of beautiful, lush lawns while we are out working - with great landscaping that is one of the best accents for your exterior home. While this isn't the best time to plant for new growth, this is a great time to enjoy all the beauty that flowers bring us.

Snap a picture and submit it in our Central Florida Photo Contest to win a $40 Gift Certificate to Outback on our Facebook Page! - The Pest Patrol Team

Monday, June 3, 2013

Keeping roaches away from your home, yard and garden

    There are many types of cockroaches found in and around Florida homes. The larger cockroaches — American, Australian, brown, and the smoky brown are often called palmetto bugs. Though they are generally found outdoors, they can become indoor problems when they migrate or are carried indoors.

    There are a number of ways to contribute to keeping your home and surrounding area bug free with as few pests as possible. First, call Pest Patrol of Central Florida at 904-944-9445 to discuss pest control options and prevention. Next, make sure you are doing these simple steps around your home.

Eliminate Water Sources

Water is the most important factor in cockroach survival. Cockroaches often come indoors during periods of drought because they are looking for moisture. Empty pans under refrigerators used to catch water from condensation, and make sure there are no leaks near any piping throughout the house.

Eliminate Food Sources

Store and dispose of garbage properly. The highest concentration of cockroaches in a home is usually around the garbage can and around the refrigerator. Dump sink strainers frequently to prevent food buildup. Wipe off counters tops often

Remove their Home

Cockroaches prefer dark places that are warm and moist. Places that provide tight spaces such as stacks of newspaper or cardboard, piles of clothing, or cracks and crevices in structures are ideal for cockroaches.

Seal cracks and crevices. Adult cockroaches can fit into cracks only about 1/16 inch and prefer spaces of about 3/8 inch.
Pull mulch away from the house. The large, outdoor cockroaches breed prolifically in pine straw mulch and poorly in gravel or on bare soil.
Stack firewood off the ground and well away from the house.

If you have a pest problem, we can help. - The Pest Patrol Team